Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Letter 8

Hello my love!
It is hard to believe that at the the beginning of next month you have officially been out for as long as you were in. Crazy huh? But that's next month lets look at this month shall we.

This month marked my first month of being home full time. We kind of have a schedule worked out and I love that we eased in to it and it is working... for the most part.

Guuuuuurl, you absoluetly hate nap time/being in your room/your crib.I mean once you stop screaming bloody murder you are a great napper but getting to that point is rough. You want to be with me 24/7 and as faltered as I am, I try to get stuff done while you nap. You could be dead to the world but when we cross that threshold you know and you start to cry. I have started giving you your bottle before and then laying you down, that way I know you aren't waking up because you are hungry. Most days you are down by 9:45, you cry for about 5-10 minutes and then are out for about an hour and a half.  Then you wake up all smiles and instead of whisking you out of your room I am trying to have a tiny bit of play time with you in there so you don't look at it as the room of abandonment.

You love food. I don't think that I have given you something that you haven't liked yet. Even the veggies you are eating like a champ. We have introduced you to juice and you are unsure about it, I think it is because it is cold and lets face it, warm juice is gross.

You are teething something fierce and your gums are getting more and more swollen everyday, me thinks you will have two more teefers soon! This however has made you SUPER cranky, which is understandable because I remember what teeth pain felt like and its no fun. We have been trying to self medicate with ice, teethers, teething tablets and I even broke down and bought an amber necklace.

Oh the amber necklace, I bought it on a desperate whim trying to help you and all it did was look cute. I know people swear by them and I can at least said I tried it right?

Anyway, you are sitting like a pro but are getting very frustrated that you can't join this fast paced world. You aren't crawling yet and it is freaking me out. Everyone says it will happen or it won't and the world will go on but I was so looking forward to this milestone that I am becoming impatient.

You are flirting with babbling but you only do it when you are mad. So hopefully next month, with some work we can get a full fledged momma or dada. I won't be too upset if you say dada first.

Love you bunches.

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