Sunday, January 19, 2014

One trait of mine I hope you didn't get

Dear Sarah,

When your Dad and I were day dreaming about who you would look like and what traits you would have, I found myself with a long list of ones I hope you didn't get.

Most were inconsequential for instance I hoped that where my butt is lacking in roundness and general "just want to grab it",I hoped, for your sake you got your fathers glorious hiney.

There were some with some seriousness about them, for one my depression. I prayed on this one, that you wouldn't have to live one day feeling like I feel on most.

The other, less dark and scary one is the ability to read too much in to things.

Today, for example, I got on twitter (its this really dumb, slightly genius, social networking websites that only gives you 140 characters to make a point- that's the genius part but also changed what # means for generations to come-the dumb part) and saw that a friend of mine had stopped following me.

It hurt, more than it should.

I automatically started to think, what did I do wrong, is she mad at me, did I say something to offend her? When the fact of the matter is  I hadn't been on twitter for a months and my account was spamming everyone.

Even with a more realistic answer like that I went in to damage control mode, made contact again and still got the sweaty palms and increased heart rate of a kid who just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

This is one trait of mine I hope you are not wired for.

Look on the side of reason before you get emotionally crippled by a situation.

Love you.,

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